::Apply to us/Registration

Motifでは企業に ご紹介できる人材を広く募集しております。

転職・ステップアップ の機会をお探しの方は、メールにてご登録ください。

お手元のレジメをメー ルでご送付ください。

2015 (c) Motif.Ltd.

Motifに人材紹介 をご依頼される企業のご担当者様は、

モティーフはクライアントである企業ご担当者様とのきめ細やかなコミュニケーションを大切にし、人事戦略のプランをご相談しながらお客様のご要望に合った 人材をご紹介します
ご契約の方法につきましては、(1) (2) の2種類からお選びください

(1) Retainer-agreemen リテイナーサーチ

ご依頼される人材サーチの詳細を打ち合わせさせていただき、期日毎に進捗状況をご報告させていただきます。期間内で人材を探すにあたっては最も効率的な方 法ですが、フィーの一部をリサーチ費用として、前金でお支払いいただくことになります

(2) Contingency-agreement 成功報酬によるサーチ



Motif has developed a small group of client companies and works closely with these companies to determine human resources needs and develop team-building strategies.
Motif then accesses and introduces quality candidates who meet the requirements of client company.
Our success lies in the personal approach: getting to know our clients, their needs and how best to service them.

(1) Retainer-performance principle

- The client makes a request for a search to be undertaken by Motif; consultations are made to determine guidelines, timelines and expenses for the search.
- Candidates are identified and resumes forwarded to the client.
- Interviews are arranged between the client and approved candidates.
- The placement is completed.
- The client is invoiced for one third of the total search fee in advance as the search starts. The final payment is not paid until a successful completion of the placement has been made.

(2) Contingency-based agreement

- The clients can also opt for a contingency-based agreement.
- The client is invoiced for the total search fee after a successful completion of the placement has been made.

Executive and key personnel searches are undertaken by Motif with complete confidentiality and discretion.
Client names are kept confidential from potential candidates until the screening interview stage and details of arrangements, the documentation, correspondence, discussion and the agreement between Motif and client companies are kept entirely confidential.